PREVENTABLE is one of the largest clinical research studies in adults 75 years or older. The goal of the study is to learn if taking a statin could help older adults live well for longer by preventing dementia, disability, or heart disease. A statin is a medication commonly used to lower cholesterol.

PREVENTABLE is a pragmatic study. Pragmatic studies make participating in research easy by using new methods to connect researchers with participants where they live and on their schedule. Pragmatic studies also test if a drug has the expected effects rather than how it works.

Pragmatic studies like PREVENTABLE are ideal for older adults. We follow study participants by reviewing their health records and through a phone call. We also mail study drug directly to participant's homes.

Why is PREVENTABLE Important?

The benefits of taking statins for older adults without heart disease are not fully understood. Results from PREVENTABLE will help us learn if taking a statin is helpful for older adults.

Results from PREVENTABLE will help us learn if taking a statin is helpful for most adults.

On the first Tuesday of every month, PREVENTABLE Principal Investigator, Zeke Zomora, MD, will lead an online information session. You, your family members, and friends are invited to learn more about the study and ask any questions you may have. Register here (Registrarte aquí).

Who is Involved in PREVENTABLE?

Up to 20,000 older adults along with a team of researchers, clinicians, participant advisors, community partners, and 100 health systems across the United States are involved in PREVENTABLE. The health systems include the VA PREVENTABLE Network, a group of Veterans Administration (VA) medical centers nationwide, and institutions that are part of PCORnet®, The National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network.

The study receives funding from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Heart Lung Blood Institute (NHLBI), which are both part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

If you need to refer a patient or have questions about PREVENTABLE, please contact your local study team. You can find your local study location here. If you do not know your local study team, please contact us by calling 833-385-3899 or by emailing PREVENTABLE@duke.edu.